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/ ProM

industrial printer
for printing with metal wire
by electric arc welding.

WAAM printing technology
The result of printing is a high-precision workpiece for subsequent machining on a CNC machine
Construction and stainless steels, nickel
and aluminum alloys and bronzes.
Material used ratio - 0,5-0,7
Details geometry
Production of large parts with complex geometry
Industry-leading mechanical properties of end items:
no porosity and cracks.
Economical and fast metal parts
Printer co-produced by F2 innovations and xWeld companies - ProM.

The deposition method used in the ProM (electric arc, plasma) provides Industry-leading mechanical properties of final items(no porosity and cracks),and also wide range of materials used: construction and stainless steels, nickel and aluminum alloys and bronzes.

Diameter of wire
0,8-2,0 mm
Wire speed range
1-25 m/min
Printing area
800*600*600 mm
Cooling bed
User-friendly interface
original electronics and intuitive interface
up to 5 kg/hour
Metal wire printing.

Material used ratio - 0,5-0,7.

камера для 3d принтера
Printing material

Wide range of metals

Construction and stainless steels, nickel and aluminum alloys and bronzes.

Safe technology

High safety standards: connection to an external exhaust system to get rid of accumulated gases, electrochromic glasses, external connection for inert gas: He, CO2, Ar.
камера для 3d принтера
камера для 3d принтера
Printing chamber

Ease of use

Extensive chamber for large items printing, table with holes for clamping mechanisms, the whole camera’s area highlight to monitor the surfacing progress.
WAAM technology

Printing speed and quality

ProM productivity - up to 5 kg/hour. The microstructure of the material after surfacing compares to the structure of rolled products due to the use of unique plasma torches and layer-by-layer deformation hardening.
камера для 3d принтера
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